My Kroger Story

Kroger recognized the need to consolidate their health and wellness offerings into a single location.

Early Conversations:

Kroger is a big company. They are ranked 24th on the Fortune 500 list. Big companies have a lot of smart people with various perspectives and objectives. It was my job to collect stakeholder brain thoughts to begin consolidating ideas of what a Kroger health and wellness application should look like. I know I like to brainstorm but these folks produced over 1,300 “stickies” on a Mural board. No, I did not count them. I exported the board into an Excel file and needed to scroll for a while until I made it to the end. 1,342 stickies to be exact.

The Need

Now that I had 1,400 “things to think about”, it was time to put pen to paper. I created a number of wireframes that aligned to what I heard from the stakeholder conversations. The goal of this exercise was to produce something that I could begin testing to gain valuable feedback from potential end users.

Quickly learn about things you are interested in such as accepted insurance plans, service costs and what to expect during a visit.

Easily view locations that are nearest to you, or search for locations you wish to visit.

Presenting options for the most pressing concerns helps ensure healthy decisions. This section can updated depending on season issues such as flu, covid, or even poison ivy rashes.

Displaying the most common “jobs to be done” as the main call-to-actions allows the users to quickly navigate to their original destination.


Please do not try to interpret the image below. What it shows is the level of functionality that I was able to test with a prototype. Although this prototype was complicated, the test was very simple. Needing both qualitative and quantitative data I structured the test to collect both sets of information. 

By conducting user tests where participants were asked to complete the fundamental and widely used tasks within the application, we gained valuable insights into the effectiveness of our information architecture and content organization. This helped us confirm that our approach is strong and efficient, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Sharing Results

I think most designers are familiar with testing and the type of data that is important when it comes to making design decisions. However, communicating this valuable information in a clear way that all can absorb can be a challenge.


I can verify that I am a visual learner. I also have a sneaky supiscion that most of us are. I also know simply looking at numbers can be boring to some. Check out how I shared my findings from the user testing sessions.

When presenting information that can be complex or difficult to digest, I have found success by creating simple metaphors that the audience can understand.

The Final Product